[Invited] *Gen Ohtsuki. Environmental stress insults in 2HIT model synergistically produce reactive microglia and DAMIMCs in the cerebellum. Hamburg University – Kyoto University joint symposium, “Cellular mechanism of learning and memory” on March 13-14, 2023 (Kyoto University Campus). Organizers: Profs. Thomas Oertner, Michael Kreutz, and Yasunori Hayashi. (3.13-14.2023)
*Momoka Hikosaka, Md Sorwer Alam Parvez, Yayoi Wada, Yuki Yamawaki, and Gen Ohtsuki. Molecular signal characterisation of disease-associated immune cells by single-cell proteomics using highly multiplexed imaging mass cytometry in the cerebellum of psychiatric disorder models via developmental complex inflammatory stress. 第45回日本分子生物学会年会. (11.30.2022-12.02.2022)
Md Sorwer Alam Parvez, Momoka Hikosaka, Yayoi Wada, Yuki Yamawaki, and Gen Ohtsuki. Single-cell spatial proteomics using highly multiplexed imaging mass cytometry across brain regions in psychiatric disorder models by complex biological stresses during development. 第45回日本分子生物学会年会. (11.30.2022-12.02.2022)
Editorial Board Member “Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience”, Frontiers, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Guest Associate Editor in Cellular Neurophysiology of “Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience”, Frontiers, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Research Topic: Cerebellum-Related Learning and Psychiatric Diseases
Thumkeo Dean, Narumiya Shuh. PGE2 EP2/EP4 signaling mediates immunosuppression in tumor microenvironment through the facilitation of mregDC Treg axis. 第 50回日本免疫学会総会 , Workshop, Nara, 2021.
Ryuuma Matsuura, Thumkeo Dean, Shuh Narumiya. 制御性T 細胞に対するプロスタグランジンE2 の作用および分子制御機構の解明. 第140回日本薬理学会近畿部会, Oral Presentation, Nara, 2021.
(*Corresponding author, #Co-first author, Group member)
臨床のための脳と神経の解剖学、メディカルサイエンスインターナショナル (April 23, 2019)
(Oral Presentation)
(Poster Presentation)